Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Quality, Not Quantitties

Biff baff boff...annnnd we're off! Yes, it's a Political Special here at Best Promos this week! And it's a Euro 2024 Football Special, too. And I think a few of the Senior Management Team are excited about Glastonbury, so it's a Glasto Special, and all.

It has to be better than last week's Joke Special, doesn't it, readers? It just has to be.

I don't know why I've gone with a Lennox Lewis and Frank Bruno picture header, though. Maybe it's because I started writing this in the middle of the Tyson Fury fight about a million months ago. Anyway, let's get stuck into the politics (I'm like Ian Hislop, me! LOL): I've heard from my posh uncle at Conservative Party HQ inside Big Ben that the PM's advisors and spin doctors are so ALARMED at how BADLY Rishi Sunak is doing, they're going to rebrand him, "Richie Sunak", for the next couple of weeks in order to claw back votes from Adolf "Nigel" Farage and Reform. My uncle also said that he and his red-cheeked chums are so concerned about a mass Conservative migration to Reform, they're even seriously making plans to get Rishi, or Richie, to wear more Hoodrich clobber and WHITE UP before the nation goes to the polls. Is that mad, or what?

I think it's mad, but the way the world is going these days, mad is normal. So, Rishi Sunak changing his name to Richie, rubbing white boot polish all over his face and chanting Rule, Britannia! on live TV with a roasted leg of lamb in his hand isn't mad at all in 2024, it's just the way things go.

Either way, I'll be voting for whoever my uncle tells me to vote for, and for whoever promises the best things. It'll be a mixture of those two variables.

Speaking of mad, have you heard the new Radio Slave album? It's called The Lunatics, which is why I wrote that bit about things being mad before this bit. Lunatics are mad, aren't they?

No, sorry, the album is called Venti. The first single off of it is called The Lunatics.

Sorry, Mr. Slave.

I would have called the album, The Lunatics, to be honest. It sounds funnier.

Venti is a brilliant album. It's full of yummy, scrumptious dance music that will leave you wanting more. I certainly wanted more after my first listen, so I listened to it all over again with an enormous grin on my mouth!

The best song on it is The Lunatics. Have a listen:

It's good, isn't it? I really like those dramatic piano bits. Sounds a bit like The Specials, or Terry, Blair and Anouchka. There's also a good Kylie thing on it, too.

If I had a Kalashnikov to my head, I'd give this album a STONKING 10/10

and I'd give this review of it a VERY POOR 1/10

BUY IT HEREVenti | Radio Slave (bandcamp.com)
Follow Radio Slave on Twitter and on Instagram

Right, ok. We'll be back after a short commercial break and a word from our sponsors. No flipping.

Welcome back! Welcome back. How are ya?

Last Friday night, I went to watch Chromeo in Kentish Town. It was the first time I'd seen them since about 2010, so I was r-r-r-r-r-really excited.

"What was it like?", is the question I can hear you all screaming at me to answer. Well, I forgot that all of their songs sound exactly the same before I bought my ticket, but it was alright. It was definitely good to tell my Ruislip football dad mates about. It's a cool sounding thing to do, to go and see Chromeo. It just sounds like a cool thing to do. And they look cool. They are cool, actually. They look ace, sound brilliant (even if that brilliant is just the same brilliant song played over and over again for an hour and a half), and they're a lorra lorra fun. I had a massive smile on my face throughout, despite this review sounding a bit negative, and all of their songs sounding exactly the same.

I missed the opening game of the Euros for it, so I'm going to give Chromeo at Kentish Town a COOL 10/10. It would have been 15/10 if they'd played Needy Girl properly, You're So Gangster, and a lot more from the first two albums; I stopped listening to them properly after Fancy Footwork, so I didn't recognise a lot of the tunes they played.

"2 step, 2 step, 2 step!" LOL

What else? The Euros. Yes.

I'm not trying to be being controversial, but I hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhate that Sweet Caroline song when England play. That's about all I've got to say about Euro 2024 at the moment.

I will add this, though: if we don't win the Euros, I'm going to stop this weekly blog...FOREVER.

Here's a few of my favourite ever football photos:

They're good, aren't they? Come on, England! Do it for Richie.

A different Geoff

One more thing before I go, and I am going, matey. I know that nobody reads this blog, and that the ones who do are spotty, braindead plonkers who have ZERO reach or influence with anyone I'm trying to impress in the dance world, but I have to push this plucky young DJ from Fulchester to the 10s of twerps who absolutely smash Best Promos 100% every time I post. He's called Man "Geoff" Power, and he's done a MEGA mix for a rival dance blog called Resident Advisor. I've never heard of them, but it's a good mix, though. Have a listen:

It's good, isn't it? It was the soundtrack to many* an afternoon last week, and if I had a massive Rambo knife to my neck, I'd give it a BOMBASTIC 10/10, easy.

It's not as good as Global Underground: Tony De Vit Tokyo (CD1), but it is as good, if not better, than Global Underground: Tony De Vit Tokyo (CD2)

You can find and follow Man Power by walking around Fulchester shouting, "DOES ANYONE KNOW OF ANY KINDLY DANCE DJs, PROMOTERS OR PRODUCERS WHO DEVOTE ALL OF THEIR TIME AND ENERGY TO DECENT REGIONAL CAUSES?!" Sure enough, he'll pop his head out of a local Labour club or British Legion where he's doing an energetic back-to-back with DJ Harvey or Fat Boy Slim or something, wave his hand, invite you in and before you know it, you're hosting a Q&A with him about Electroclash in the northern coal mining days.

Mark my words.

Right, that's me done for this week. I'll definitely be back next week with letters inside words inside sentences inside paragraphs, surrounded by pictures and music. It's what we do.

Nobody does it better.

Email me: BestPromos4Eva@gmail.com
Tweet me@BestPromos4Eva
Instagram me/bestpromos4eva/

* Tuesday afternoon

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Quality, Not Quantitties

Biff baff boff...annnnd we're off! Yes, it's a Political Special here at Best Promos this week! And it's a Euro 2024 Football Sp...